Realtor Alan Stuart Morton-Jones (Alan)

Alan Stuart Morton-Jones
Realtor Alan Stuart Morton-Jones (Alan)

New Zealand


Former name:
Also known as: Alan
Licence number: 10016512
Licence type: Individual
Licence class: Agent
Current status: Suspended
Date first entered in register: 27 Apr 2011
Current licence period:
Expiry date: 10 Nov 2016

Disciplinary History Complaint number Decision Penalty Reasoning Date of decision CB7055156 Misconduct finding by Tribunal – currently under appeal Orders to be decided The licensee’s failures to properly and honestly manage his property management business showed that his fitness to perform real estate agency work under the Act is questionable. The complaints against him could not therefore be dismissed on the basis that real estate agency work was not involved.The licensee was high handed, stubborn and disrespectful in his dealings with the Complaints Assessment Committee in respect of the section 85 notice. The licensee’s failure to comply with the section 85 notice was a very serious failure and was disgraceful. 24/06/2015 CB7055156 Interim suspension of licence by Tribunal Licence suspended pending determination of misconduct charges against licensee 16/12/2014

Suspended: The licence has been suspended by the Real Estate Agents Disciplinary Tribunal as a result of disciplinary action. The licensee is not allowed to carry out real estate agency work.

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